domingo, 1 de abril de 2012

Play Dangerous Dungeons

It has been more than a year since the last entry, but a lot of things have happened... nonetheless, let's get back to the point (that is, practice my english while writing about indie games and stuff..). Today I played two indies, and here are a few words about them:
  • Temple of the spear: I loved the graphics, they take me back to the Game Boy times, but, aside from the graphics, the game mechanics are way too simplistic. Thankfully the game is not too log (about 15 minutes or so), because I was beginning to think about quitting when the game suddenly end. If you have 15 minutes to spare and have a good memory of those Game Boy times, why not, give it a try.
  • Dangerous Dungeons: DD was an awesome finding. Is the kind of retro-action that kept me nailed to the screen. After half and hour or so, I get to the 21 stage and I'm far from bored, and thinking about it, it's kind of curious, because the game engine is somewhat clunky and buggy, but the ever changing challenges that awaits you in ever stage keeps you wanting for more. I think the game is an excellent exploration of what a couple of simple mechanics can do, and a good work of level design too. A must play!

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